This form is to be completed by the Authorized Individual or the Designated Official.

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Select the type of amendment or provide a description below


I, the undersigned, as the individual authorized by the applicant, do hereby certify that the information contained in this Registration Amendment request is true, complete and correct. I acknowledge and agree to comply with the responsibilities outlined in the Defence Production Act and the Controlled Goods Regulations with respect to the examination, possession or transfer of controlled goods.

Instructions for Completing the Registration Amendment Form

Any false statement, misrepresentation or concealment of any material fact on this application or any document presented in support of this application may lead to denial, suspension or revocation of registration with the Controlled Goods Program and may be grounds for criminal prosecution.


If completing the form by hand, use a black pen and print as clearly as possible.

Please ensure the form is legible and complete to prevent processing delays and minimize misinformation.

If you require assistance, complete as much of the form as possible and have a list of your questions ready when contacting the CGP Client Service Centre.

If a section does not apply, indicate N/A (not applicable).

In any instance where this form does not allow sufficient space for a complete answer, attach a separate page as required.

Section A – Administrative Information

  1. Legal Name
    Provide the legal name of the business, not the operating name. This is the same name you provided on your original application.

  2. CGP No.
    Number indicated on the Certificate of Registration.

  3. Name of Authorized Individual (AI) or Designated Official (DO)
    Provide the name of the individual, on CGP record, who is authorized to sign on behalf of your business

  4. Email
    Provide the email address for the AI or DO signing the form

  5. Telephone No.
    Provide the daytime contact number for the AI or DO signing the form

Section B – Type of Amendment

Select one of the available options and, if appropriate, indicate the information as presently recorded with the CGP in Part 1 and the new information which is meant to modify the existing record in Part 2. Use the space in Part 3 to provide more details about the requested change, if required.

  • Address Change: Mailing address changes for the registrant business or any individual AI, DO or owner recorded with the CGP.

  • Change of AI: Provide the information of the Existing AI and the New AI in the spaces below. If the AI will be accessing controlled goods a Security Assessment Application for the new AI will also be required.

  • Deletion of Site: Removal of a site if controlled goods will no longer be held there.

  • Change in access to controlled goods: Advisory if access has changed to include any new activity relating to controlled goods whether newly examining, possessing or transferring

  • Request to terminate registration: Provide information relating to a request for termination of registration with the CGP.

  • Change in Contract: Advisory of contract extensions, new contracts, amendments to contract which impact access to controlled goods (category or controlled goods or access scenario – examination, possession, transfer)

  • Addition of DO: If requesting a new Designated Official, a Security Assessment Application, including supporting documentation will also be required.

  • Removal of DO: Provide information relating to the removal or deletion of a Designated Official from your companies’ registration

Section 3 - Consent for Amendment

Indicate your consent for the CGP to process the requested changes

  1. Surname, Given Name
    Clearly print the name of the AI or DO who is submitting this form.

  2. Position Title
    Title, at registrant business, of the AI or DO submitting this form

  3. Signature
    This form can only be signed and submitted by the AI or DO currently on file with the CGP

  4. Date
    Provide the date on which this form was completed? Or ok to just say signed