Public Works and Government Services Canada
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Protected "B" when completed
Information provided on this document is necessary by law under the Public Service Superannuation Act. This information is retained under Personal Information Bank Number PWGSC PCE 702. Access to this information will be refused for unauthorized persons/agencies following the provisions of the Privacy Act. Under the Act you have the right to request access to your personal information held by a federal government institution. You can also request corrections if you believe the information contains errors or omissions. Information that you give about another individual is available to that person following the provisions of the Privacy Act.
Use this form only if there is no person entitled by law to act as a committee or curator for the recipient who is unable to manage or is incapable of managing his or her own affairs. Complete two copies of this form; send the original to the address below and keep the second copy for your records.
If there is a legal committee, please send a certified copy of the court order, or other instrument appointing the committee, to:
Public Works and Government Services Canada, Public Service Pension Centre - Mail Facility 150 Dion Blvd PO Box 8000 Matane QC G4W 4T6.
solemnly declare as follows:
receives a benefit under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
2. I know the recipient cannot manage his or her own affairs for the reasons stated in the certificate of
3. There is no person entitled by law to act as a committee of the recipient, and
4. If the monies payable to the recipient are paid to me, I agree:
5. Marked Exhibit "B" to this declaration is a certificate from two responsible persons. They recommend that I am a proper person to manage the payments due to the recipient under the Public Service Superannuation Act.
I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it has the same effect as if made under oath.
(Signature of person authorized to take a Statutory Declaration. (Indicate whether a Justice of the Peace, Notary, Lawyer, Commissioner of Oaths (expiry date must be indicated), etc. and use stamp or seal)
The "Certificate of Responsible Persons" must be completed by two responsible persons not related to either the recipient or the proposed payee and not financially interested in the proposed designation. These persons should not include:
who cannot manage his or her own affairs.
PWGSC-TPSGC 2040 (03/2011)